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"The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere"

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

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     This photo is a darkroom composite of two separate pictures.  Color darkroom composites are much more difficult than B&W darkroom composites since the color photographic emulsion paper is sensitive to the full spectrum of light.  In other words, the darkroom has to be completely pitch dark when printing these images. 

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    I took this photo of Amy Lozefski at her 20th birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese's in Milford, CT.  The party later ended in a cake fight.  I'm sorry, but you won't find the cake fight pictures here.  The management personnel at Chuck E. Cheese's won't allow it.

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     "You better not take that picture, Adam."  Ok, so I knocked out the background and added a little effect, but I took this at the '97 Graduation reception at AMC.

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    An assignment for photojournalism class was to use a roll on a person.  This was my freshman roommate and since good friend, Chris Arden.  He's seen here sitting on a chimney high above the New Haven skyline.  Kids, don't try this at home. 



   Here's a great candid picture of the wonderful Victoria.  Taken at Rye Playland Park in the spring of 2001.  This was taken with a Nikon Coolpix 990 digital camera.

© Adam Z Lein, 2001   All artwork property of Adam Lein, unless otherwise noted.