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"Instead of wasting time and energy in rubbing the small line a larger line must be drawn."

Vanshika Anand

2015 Alumni Art Show

In June of 2015, I was part of an Alumni Art Show exhibit at Albertus Magnus College. I was asked to be part of it with two long-time art club friends; Jessica Somers and Paula Robins. We each filled a wall with our own artwork and the 4th wall showed portraits that we had created of eachother.

This series of self-portraits was inspired by the personas that we create for ourselves on the internet and within social media. As a journalist for a popular mobile technology website, I find the most successful articles, videos, and imagery are those that generate a discussion, express some sort of humor, or capitalize on controversy. In these portraits, I try to bring humor and satire to my own persona in ways that people may not expect. There are some that make jokes about popular culture, while others may mock my own personality, or simply lead the viewer to ask, "What is going on there?"