The Purple Heart Sword
This is my impression of a determined film
student. For this 15 minute movie, I had to handle all aspects of its production. I
played a role as director, writer, casting director, camera operator, photographer,
choreographer, actor, sound editor, video editor, and postproduction special effects
artist. Originally, the post production editing was done using two VCRs and a CD
player. I was later able to digitally re-edit the original footage and add special effects
when I bought a Matrox Rainbow Runner
add-on card. The original footage was filmed using a borrowed Sony mini-cam 8mm camcorder.
This is a no budget student film. I chose a crew and actors among my friends based on
their talent, abilities, and availability.
The pictures seen here are captured stills from the final
movie. Shown here is a still from the first fight scene. That would be me
kicking the lovable hugable Chris Arden, who has become the star of many student films.
This scene began with my jumping split kick, which took out Chuck Smith and Kevin
No one was hurt in any of the
fight scenes.
The Purple Heart Sword featured one staff fighting
scene, two martial arts fight scenes, a fencing scene, and a lip synched music video
scene. Not to mention a car chase between a Camaro and a Subaru Justy, 3D titles,
and lightning special effects.
Seen here is Danielle Perrone, who finally ends up in the
posession of the purple heart sword.
The sword, who's handle I carved from African Purple
Heart hardwood, doesn't make an appearance until the end of the movie.
Shown at the right, is Eric Donelson in progress with his sword
fighting scene with bad guy, Brett Stuart. This scene was filmed above the New Haven
skyline. While I was shooting, friends in another dorm across campus were yelling
"ADAM" to get their voices on tape. No lighting equipment was
used, therefore when shooting outdoors, the time of day was an important factor.
My shooting schedule was based on my chosen locations and lighting conditions at
certain times, while taking into account the actors' schedules' and the deadline.
The soundtrack to this movie includes music from Santana, Kashmia
(Symphonic Led Zepplin), The Sugarhill Gang, Offspring, "O Fortuna" from the
Carmina Burana, and Led Zepplin.
Adam Z Lein
Eric Donelson
Danielle Perrone
Holly Johnson
Chris Arden
Kevin Cliff
'Creepy' Chuck Smith
Matthew Juhlin
Brett Stuart
Garrett Dell
Karen McHugh
Ron Prisco
Jeff Chudoba
Robert Moncuse
� Adam Z Lein, 1999 All artwork property of Adam Lein, unless
otherwise noted.